I like to check "workout" off the daily to-do list first thing in the morning because giving myself 10 hours throughout the day to come up with excuses is way too dangerous! "Oops, I forgot to pack my sports bra in the gym bag... Oh, no! I totally forgot I promised my friend I would meet up for drinks after work... I am too exhausted to even put on my gym clothes after a long day at the office, how will I ever have enough energy to get in a good workout ?" The list of excuses can go on and on! It happens to everyone, even the most motivated of us. I can remember an instance when after doing one loop around the first third of the gym parking lot, I turned right back around and headed home (dressed in gym clothes, hair in a ponytail, water bottle, towel and all). I convinced myself that it wasn't my fault that the parking lot was "COMPLETELY" full and if the parking lot was this bad, just imagine how long I would have to wait to use the gym machines! Once you come to terms with how your mind operates, you can outsmart those endless excuses.
Here are a few responses to those excuses we tend to hear over and over again:
~ There just isn't enough time in the day!
~ You actually have the power to add hours to your day! I know you aren't going to like my solution but it works-wake up one hour earlier than you usually do. Before I got a puppy, I would wake up at 7:15am every morning in order to get in an early morning workout, but after I got the puppy he took up this time. Solution- set the alarm for 6:30am! I admit, it isn't easy the first week, but now I automatically wake up at 6:30am every morning. If you aren't a morning person, stay up an extra hour each night...life is short- get the most out of your day!
~ I also like my fiance's response to this excuse-"If you have enough time to watch TV, you have enough time to workout!" Better yet you can do both at the same time. Find a gym that has treadmills with personal TVs!
~ Gyms are too expensive!
~ Run around the bay, hike a trail, walk on the beach, bike around the city, jump rope, swim, get a workout DVD! Done and done...too easy!
~ I barely have time to spend with my friends!
~ I can't think of better quality time than working out with your buddies. This has two-fold benefits: 1- you have instant motivation, you are less likely to cancel on your gym session when you are meeting up with a friend there; 2- "Walks and Talks" (as I call them) or "Wogs" (a walk/jog as my friend Cindy calls them) are great gossip sessions and if you find a good talking partner, your workout goes by so much faster!
~ I have a baby!
~ There are so many great new programs for mommy's and mommy-to-be's! Check out Stroller Strides or local Mommy Boot Camps. Or refer to above and bring the baby on the "walks and talks" or "wogs" with you and the girls!
~ There is so much more that I would rather do with my time!
~ True, many times a big glass of chardonnay, tapas at happy hour or snuggling on the couch are much more tempting than clocking in a session at the gym. But like I said above, there is always a way to cram a workout into your schedule, whether it is combing friend time with gym time, adding more hours to your day or getting creative with where and when you workout. Plus, enjoying a glass of wine or ordering an extra tapa is so much better (and guilt-free) after a great workout! Lastly, snuggling on the couch doesn't provide all the wonderful benefits exercise does like weight loss, combating disease, mood improvements, and boosting your energy level (just to name a few of the hundreds)!
~ I just don't have the motivation!
~ Here is where I insert my teaser for next week's blog...I will be sharing my not-so-common motivators which will hopefully help your workout motivation level!
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